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More About WordPress

WordPress continues to disappoint. The WordPress website continues to make almost impossible to construct a post. I wrote two 5 minute posts yesterday and it took me over an hour to do so because the site refuses to allow you to scroll down past the top 10 or so lines of a post. And me, as a lousy typist, have to resort to typing what I can on the website, then using the lame Jetpack app on my iPhone to edit the post. The reason I use the website to start with is that the Jetpack app is missing features the website has. If this major flaw is intentional, Automattic ought to be ashamed.

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Instagram Ban

Well, I’m probably going to get a full ban on Instagram, due to a reply I made on IG. Once again, I was warned that a comment I made was like ones that have been reported.

The strange thing is the comment was made in reply to a comment by Rudi Meibergen that said by my comments about the Spotify’s reaming of artists were childish. Even those comnents were about Spotify’s unsavory attempt to steal streams from artists with less than 1,000 streams on a song. Nothing in my comments was inaccurate, but Rudi the troll could help but commit character assasination with his ad hominem attack.

And Rudi, the non-musician, claimed to be a musician on the platform, which he’s not. He’s a producer with less than a 100 credits on Muso.AI, and from what I can tell, no output at all on Spotify. So, he has been is a bootlicker hoping to procure some advantage by his kowtowing to the oligarchs.

As stated on another IG post, Daniel Ek, the chief fraudster of Spotify, scored $365 million in a stock sale. An artist would have to accumulate 115 billion streams in a year to get that kind of money. A neat deal considering that Drake has only accumulated 15 billion streams over his entire career.

As an aside, I really don’t care if IG bans me completely. As I keep getting threatening messages from Zuckerberg the Kike, my reach has declined 90% and as you can see from this graphic from Linktree shows that I get almost no traffic from IG.

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More Music?

I’m feeling the urge to make music tonight. Maybe using the Moog Sub 37 again. I was playing with it 2 nights ago and made one recording. Tonight might be another time to delve deeper to do some sound design.

I also need to apply myself to reexamine the other work I’ve created over the past few months to release or to abandon.

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DistroKid Screws Creators

Some truths about the total insult to musicians that is the Roblox-DistroKid deal. First of all, this “deal” screws creators. We’re supposed to give Roblox a no payout at all license to use our music? Screw that. Its much like the “deal” they made with Snapchat. In return, we get at most more eyes on our music from an audience that views our music as a consumable. In other words, freeloaders.