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Well Between a Stomache Bug and Music Making…

I’ve been too busy to make any blog entries. For about 7-10 days, I got out a number of synthesizers and spent hours fiddling around with them. I got especially good results from a few of them, and made some recordings.

Then disaster struck. I seem to have come down with either a stomache bug or food poisoning. I still haven’t fully recovered and still feel a little woozy. So as soon as I feel up to it, it’ll be time to review the recordings I made to see if they’re releasable material.

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What is your favorite genre of music?

I guesss one of my favorite genres is the blues, as I’ve got over 7,000 tracks in my library. However my days of playing the guitar have long passed. I suppose I’ve got arthritis; my hands and wrist ache almost constantly. I find keyboard work to be less painful. I eat these on a fairly frequent basis.

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I ordered a Handpan from Temu and I’m a little surprised at the size. It’s a big sucker. I’m guessing its about 30-36 inches across. I also have a small tongue drum, another far-eastern drum, which I’ve used to record some ambient-type sounds and released them. Looking forward to releasing some music made with this handpan.

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Getting Some Traction on a Couple of Sites

Been seeing an upturn of streams on a couple of sites, namely Apple Music and SoundCloud. Both have upturns of 20% or more. And I’m waiting to see (from DistroKid, my distributor) whether the information gleaned from Songstats in relation to numbers from Beatport actually turn into money in my pocket. I think the positive numbers from Beatport was from activity in April or May. If it was April, I should start seeing data from DistroKid this month or August.

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I recently found a source of samples and stuff at a site called Vstalarm. However their funky site doesn’t allow me to download the samples I purchased. It’s been two weeks in a back and forth with Edgar of the site trying to get access to my samples. Sign me, getting annoyed.