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Spotify’s Bad Actors

Maybe Spotify should take all those bad actors that are creating playlists with fake bot streams and ban them from the platform. This way, artists can avoid getting hit with takedowns. These disreputable scammers, of which I get several emails a month from, tout their playlists as a way to get more streams. Of course, the only way you can get on their playlists is payola. Their playlists only have “followers” numbered in the hundreds to about 1,500. Spotify claims it’s user base is about 600 million. So the scammers have almost no reach. Unless their playlist is focused on a specific genre, which they never are, the possibility of gaining true fans is a pipe dream.

And also it’s well know that the major labels use bot farms to create streams that inflate their artists reach. 600 million “users”? That’s up from 180 million a couple of years ago. How much of that 420 million are real people? Why doesn’t Spotify clean up it’s “user” base? Because they get revenues from those bots.

It’s past time to have an outside organization audit Spotify. That way, artists can get paid for actual streams instead of reying on Spotify policing itself, which it has shown it cannot do by itself.

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