Spotify continues to have trolls spreading disinformation about their payouts to artists. The 10-K, a financial statement they have to file with the SEC clearly states Spotify pays out 62% of revenues to artists. And clearly their payout has dropped from $.0032 to $.0027. What part of reality don’t you assholes understand? What’s even worse is the demonstrable fact that four years ago the payout was $.0043 per stream.
You trolls must have flunked simple math and gotten an A+ in Marketing for Sleezeballs. You’re no more capable of understanding reality than is Donald Trump.
And I got an email from UMAW saying that they’re trying to introduce legislation that requires streaming platforms to pay at least a penny per stream. That would affect bottom feeders like Spotify, Apple Music and SoundCloud. And would finally give some money to the artists that deserve to be fairly compensated. After all, most companies are multi-billion dollar operations. Show your support of UMAW at